UNIT - FrameMemoLineCount

   Path: D:\DEV\DX10\FramesFMX\FrameMemoLineCount.pas

   Date, Size, Lines: 06.06.2020 18:11:36 / 5 kb / 179 lines

 SUMMARY ( Unit )

   A Frame to display a TMemo with linenumbers and a selection rectangle
REMARKS ( Unit )

   The line numbers are only displayed, when wordwrap is false
    Documentation generated by Pascal Project Manager & Editor
    How to use:
        1 Add the unit to your project
        2 From the Component-selector select frames and draw a ectangle on
          the form, were the frame sould be insert
        3 In the opened dialog select FrameMemoLineCount
        Downloadlink for source: FrameMemoLineCount.zip

Name Description
TFrameMemoLineCount = class(TFrame) This is the frame with the memo

TFrameMemoLineCount = class(TFrame)    Methods    private    public

Methods and Fields Description
LayLinecountMemo: TLayout; -
mTxt: TMemo; Use this to Access the Memo, e.g. for loading and saving text
ColorLine: TRectangle; -
mLines: TMemo; -
Rectangle1: TRectangle; -
cbShowLines: TCheckBox; -
lbRow: TLabel; -
lbCol: TLabel; -
lbChar: TLabel; -
P mTxtChangeTracking(); -
P mTxtPainting(); -
P mTxtViewportPositionChange(); -
P Timer1Timer(); -
P cbShowLinesChange(); -
P mTxtKeyUp(); -
private -
{ Private-Deklarationen } -
iRow, iCol: Integer; Display the current row and col position in editor
AChar: Char; -
public -
{ Public-Deklarationen } -
MyTimer: TTimer; -